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“Lo-Res” Chinese: Toward a History of Non-Latin Bitmap Fonts

Type historians are well aware of early innovations in low-resolution font development by foundries and designers such as Emigre and Zuzana Licko. But what about the history of low-resolution screen and printer fonts for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and other non-Latin scripts? In this talk, Stanford professor Tom Mullaney examines the history of the Sinotype III, the first-ever implementation of a Chinese text-processing system on a personal computer. In particular, he examines the creation of low-resolution screen and printer fonts capable of rendering legible Chinese characters on industry-standard monitors and dot-matrix impact printers (all of which were originally designed with the Latin alphabet in mind). Mining the never-before-seen archives of the Graphics Arts Research Foundation, hundreds of original bitmap font sketches, oral histories with surviving members of the Sinotype team, and the process documents and correspondences of the project’s principal designers and consultants, this talk examines the creation of perhaps the first-ever “Lo-Res” Chinese font in history. Mullaney will also discuss his ongoing project to create a revival of the Sinotype III typeface and his efforts to chart out the early history of non-Latin bitmap fonts more generally.




Thomas Mullaney

Thomas S. Mullaney is Professor of Chinese History at Stanford University, a Guggenheim Fellow, and the curator of the international exhibition Radical Machines: Chinese in the Information Age. His work has appeared in the Journal of Asian Studies, Technology and Culture, Aeon, Foreign Affairs, and Foreign Policy, and has been featured in the Los Angeles Times, the Atlantic, the BBC, and in lectures at Google, Microsoft, Adobe, and more. He holds a PhD from Columbia University. His current project, entitled Hot Metal Empire: Script, Media, and Colonialism in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, is a modern history of non-Latin type design. トーマス・S・マラニーはスタンフォード大学の中国史教授、ジョン・サイモン・グッゲンハイム記念財団会員、国際的展示『革新的機械:情報化社会のなかの中国語』のキュレーター。彼の仕事はジャーナル・オブ・アジアン・スタディーズ誌、テクノロジー・アンド・カルチャー誌、イーオン誌、フォーリン・アフェアーズ誌、LAタイムズ紙、アトランティック紙、BBCなどに登場し、、またグーグル、マイクロソフト、アドビ等で講演もしている。コロンビア大学博士号保持者。現在のプロジェクトでは『ホットメタル帝国:文字とメディアとアジア、アフリカ、中東の植民地主義』と題し、非欧文書体デザインの近代史を紐解いている。