Home / ATypI Antwerp 2018

Cultural roads between Arabic and Latin

In today’s global marketing, with multinational companies interested in having multi-script typefaces, the demand for designing an Arabic companion for Latin typefaces has increased. The structure of Arabic script is completely different from Latin, and many times when an Arabic typeface is designed next to a Latin, the Arabic becomes a minion to the Latin and can’t reach its best potential in terms of aesthetics. Translating shapes from Latin to Arabic is not a straightforward task. A round dot doesn’t have the same impression in Arabic as it does in Latin. So how is it possible to find the best shapes? What needs to be filtered out from Latin design? In this talk, you will see some examples of the projects I’ve been involved in for the past eight years, and I will show how I came up with a solution for designing an Arabic typeface next to a Latin with regard to Arabic script origins. The basic idea is that even if you think Arabic calligraphy looks naive and archaic, there are still a lot of features that could be taken from the masters of calligraphy and be transformed in a way that looks contemporary.


Bahman Eslami