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Calligraphy for Non-Calligraphers: How to Approximate Pointed Nib Typeface Design—Part 1 of 2

This workshop will be conducted during two three-hour sessions over the course of two days. You must sign up for both sessions in order to confirm your participation.

How can you apply the shapes and theories of pointed nib calligraphy to a typography design? In this workshop, participants will be guided to approach the use of the pointed nib in calligraphic styles such as copperplate or Spencerian, to understand from the practice characteristics that can be translated further back to typographical language such as: angle, stress, type and amount of contrast (expansion contrast), rhythm, slanting, and letter joint.

In order to later start drawing a typeface calligraphic design: an introductory practice, covering the basics to start writing cursive styles, first with a pencil, then with the pointed tip tool. At the same time, an analysis not only from a purely empirical perspective but also from the practice to make evident what can or cannot be done with a pointed instrument and the differences with a typeface with a mechanical expansion contrast or a cursive typeface, letting the student know the possibilities you get if you follow the pointed tool logic and the hand or digital draw kindness.

At the end of the day, the attendee will know how to begin creating a typographic cursive system. The target participants are students and typeface designers not overly familiar with cursive styles and with no knowledge about pointed nib calligraphy; those who wish to understand the logic of the instrument and to improve their ability to design a cursive typeface.

This workshop is an approach to calligraphy not as an artistic expression or for the purpose of professionalizing in the area, but as an exploration of techniques to apply knowledge in the typographic area.


Dafne Martinez

Typeface Designer TypasType

Dafne Martínez was born in Mexico City. She studied graphic design with a focus on journalistic design in the Faculty of Arts and Design at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), and typographic design at the Gestalt Center for Design Studies at Veracruz, Mexico. For the past ten years, she has worked as an editorial designer for print media and advertising. She has been a member of the Mexican Society of Calligraphers and Illuminators since 2011 and cofounded Tipastype, a space created to promote women’s work in the typographic field in Latin America, and a typeface-design studio. She has given talks and workshops on typography at various institutions throughout Mexico. ダフネ・マルティネスはメキシコシティ生まれ。メキシコ国立自治大学の芸術デザイン学部でグラフィックデザインと新聞・雑誌デザインを、メキシコのゲシュタルトデザインセンター大学でタイポグラフィデザインを学ぶ。過去10年にわたり書籍や広告のデザインを手がける。2011年よりメキシコカリグラフィー・装飾協会のメンバーで、南米でタイポグラフィの分野で活動する女性を推進するスペースかつ書体デザインスタジオであるティパスタイプの創設者。メキシコの様々な団体でタイポグラフィについての講演やワークショップを催している。