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ATypI board member responsibilities

Considering running for a seat on the ATypI board of directors? Please review the following information for details about board member expectations and responsibilities.

The Association Typographique Internationale Inc. (ATypI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated in the State of California in the United States. ATypI is democratically run by a board elected by its members. ATypI is bound to operate by its bylaws, and the laws of both the State of California and the United States rules governing nonprofit entities.

Current ATypI bylaws, adopted September 2016 during our Warsaw conference.

How to get elected to the ATypI board of directors

Board members (“directors”) are elected by the members of the association. The ATypI statutes define the role of the board and the modalities of elections. In case the association is unable to hold an election in person, elections will be conducted via electronic communications in keeping with California law.

Anyone seeking to run for a board position must be a member in good standing at the time of nomination and election, and continue to be a member in good standing throughout their tenure as a director.

Nonprofit board service

ATypI is a volunteer-driven organization that relies on the generosity and ongoing involvement of many wonderful people to fulfill its mission. Members, sponsors, partners, conference volunteers, country and community delegates, and staff are all essential to the team. Another vitally important part of ATypI is its board of directors.

ATypI board members are dedicated volunteers who have shown a passion for the community, who have contributed to ATypI and its mission in the past, and who wish to contribute in an even more meaningful way. Board members are elected representatives who donate their time, talent, financial support, fundraising skills, and connections, etc., while having a “seat at the table.” Being part of the ATypI board offers an opportunity for collaboration with others who wish to work strategically in serving our community and increasing the reach and effectiveness of the association.

Overview of duties and responsibilities of the ATypI board as a governing body

  • Establish and uphold the mission, vision, and strategic plan for the organization
  • Develop and monitor policies and organizational goals in support of ATypI
  • Provide oversight to organizational programs and services
  • Actively work collaboratively with the Executive Director and operations team, officers, committees, and others involved in ATypI activities
  • Provide financial oversight of the organization’s overall fiscal (financial and legal) operational management, investments, real property, and resources
  • Represent ATypI in a professional and respectful manner
  • Serve as ambassadors: communicate and promote ATypI’s mission and services within the community and beyond

All dues-paying ATypI members in good standing at the time of the election are eligible to run for a position on the board of directors, and to vote on those running for a board position.

Expectations, qualifications, and requirements of individual ATypI board members

Members of the ATypI board of directors are expected to:

  • Stay current in membership dues
  • Develop and maintain knowledge of the organization and its programs
  • Attend board and committee meetings on a regular basis. Scheduled meetings of the entire board are usually held online quarterly, with face-to-face meetings taking place during the annual conference. Committee and other meetings are called as needed. Board members are expected to attend at least 75% of all meetings
  • Chair a board committee or working group
  • Volunteer for the annual conference and other activities presented by ATypI. Examples of volunteer work include, but are not limited to: creating and editing documents, working on the website, working with the design team on event identities, collaborating on newsletters and other marketing and member communications, serving as moderators and facilitators during events, working “backstage” at in-person and online events, helping with social media, reaching out to potential sponsors and partners, serving on conference program committees, helping to organize if a conference is in your city, recruiting student volunteers, developing membership incentives and initiatives, promoting ATypI and its activities, and much more
  • Provide direct or indirect financial support where possible, and/or assist with fundraising and development activities as appropriate
  • Respond promptly to requests for information or meetings
  • Prepare for board meetings through review of any materials sent in advance, and by formulating questions and responses surrounding issues in advance, to ensure effective decision-making as a governing body
  • Respect and maintain confidentiality, and sign a non-disclosure agreement annually
  • Identify, cultivate, and nominate potential board members, country and community delegates, and other volunteers, and foster a diverse, inclusive, and representative board
  • Avoid any conflicts of interest, and/or promptly disclose in writing any potential conflicts
  • Self-evaluate the board’s overall performance annually

If you are able to meet these requirements, we hope you will stand for election.

Nominations for election to the ATypI board of directors for the terms beginning September 2023 and January 2024 are now open. The upcoming election will be held online. All current dues-paying ATypI members in good standing are eligible to run for a seat on the board, and current paid members are also eligible to vote in the election.

There are eight board seats that are part of this election. Please review this information about terms, dates, and such.

Please visit this page for the link to the self-nomination form. You must be logged in and a current paid-up member to view this page.

Deadline to submit the self-nomination form is 11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time (New York), Friday, August 18, 2023.

Election setup and voting by ATypI members: August 19–30, 2023.

Successful candidates will be notified September 1, 2023.

Results of the election will be announced September 11, 2023.

We’re here to help you succeed

ATypI will provide information regarding board service and updates to requirements, and offer training and mentorship for new board members wherever possible. 

The job description for ATypI board members is reviewed periodically. This job description was last updated October 2021.