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Font Ergonomics—A new experimental paradigm using AI

After more than 200 years of research, the topic of legibility still seems slippery when it comes to understanding the impact of typographic factors. The practical use of research papers for type designers sometimes seems unclear. Complex font variables like weight, width, or contrast are dealt with as if they were binary parameters instead of… Continue reading Font Ergonomics—A new experimental paradigm using AI

TYPE + CODE Series

TYPE + CODE is a collection of ongoing typography research conducted by using computer algorithms; initiated by the author in 2005. This series aligns with alternative typeface and typography methods, solutions, and education in America. Initially, it began as the MFA thesis by the author at Maryland Institute College of Art in 2007. It has… Continue reading TYPE + CODE Series

Typographic Obfuscation: Communication for Privacy and Protest

This talk presents stories of creative obfuscation for communication from the past, present, and future. Examples include speculative typography that utilizes augmented reality, biotechnology, machine learning, and techniques created by non-experts that engage multiple senses like voice and gesture. The non-expert demonstrates the breadth of human ingenuity for primal need and desire, often against much… Continue reading Typographic Obfuscation: Communication for Privacy and Protest

LEAD: Letterpress Educators of Art & Design

LEAD: Letterpress Educators of Art & Design fosters a network of letterpress educators to facilitate sharing of knowledge and expand connections in the community. We provide opportunities to engage discourse, advance research and scholarship, and work to expand understanding of the value of letterpress education as an essential practice in contemporary learning. Letterpress in higher… Continue reading LEAD: Letterpress Educators of Art & Design

Legibility in Black and White

In this presentation, Octavio Pardo-Virto will review multiple traditional theories on letter perception by complimenting them with the most relevant findings in the field of psychophysics and our visual system. These findings are very well known to the legibility research community but less common in type design literature. Pardo-Virto will explain the blurry mechanisms of… Continue reading Legibility in Black and White

A Comparative Study of Tahoma and Segoe UI Arabic and the Structural Principles of Arabic Script

Throughout time, type design methods have changed in response to the limitations of various print technologies. In today’s world where digital technologies dominate people’s lives and audiences are more inclined to read on digital devices, every language is trying to publish its information both online and in mobile applications. In accordance with these new needs… Continue reading A Comparative Study of Tahoma and Segoe UI Arabic and the Structural Principles of Arabic Script

Pick Me, Pick Me: Analyzing the Semantic Connotations of Typography Deployed in Genre Categories of the Netflix Catalogue

Typography observed in the genre classifications of the Netflix catalogue intentionally conveys the conventions of genre styles rendered to attract audience selection of film and television titles. Much has been written about the treatment of typography in the title sequences of films and television shows, yet an examination of typography as a collective enterprise within… Continue reading Pick Me, Pick Me: Analyzing the Semantic Connotations of Typography Deployed in Genre Categories of the Netflix Catalogue

Next Time You Fly: Type Behind Closed Cockpit Doors

Whether highly visible in everyday life or more obscure, typography is widespread and often taken for granted; The consequences can be catastrophic, particularly regarding high-risk disciplines, such as the aviation industry. Typography plays a role in everyday flight operations, especially during abnormal situations where the pilots’ ability to quickly decipher information is paramount. Philosophies differ… Continue reading Next Time You Fly: Type Behind Closed Cockpit Doors

Depictions of Blackness in American Graphic Design

Kelly Walters is currently working on a book project called “Depictions of Blackness,” which explores the emergence of racial stereotypes in print design works from 1865–1979 in African American history. From post-reconstruction to blaxploitation eras, “Depictions of Blackness” argues that depictions of African-Americans and African-American history are central to a critical understanding of American graphic… Continue reading Depictions of Blackness in American Graphic Design


SANS CAP is Martijn Mertens’ answer to the recent blanding controversy in the High-Fashion industry. It’s a different take on what branding can mean, and how it can end up limiting creativity. Blanding is a recent phenomenon in which multiple companies within a specific industry start to look and feel the same. They often fall… Continue reading SANS CAP