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A Balancing Act: Typography, Technologies, and Education

Typography education sits in a delicate balance between teaching historical precedent and contemporary practices while anticipating the potential futures of the discipline. Over the past twenty years, many typography curriculums have evolved to incorporate web fonts, interaction design, and animation. A new crop of prototyping tools, such as Figma, Webflow, and ReadyMag, offer more typographic… Continue reading A Balancing Act: Typography, Technologies, and Education

Polish Variable Fonts

Over the years, the OpenType specification has been improved and allows us to make advanced fonts. There are many benefits to all these new additions, like OpenType layout features, color, and support for variation, but this also makes it harder to spot problems. Many fonts contain issues; most of them are harmless, like incorrect Panose… Continue reading Polish Variable Fonts

Web Typesetting for a Digital World

Content is the king in the web world, and he’s wearing typography. And actually, from 2008—with Safari’s support for TrueType files—he can wear non-system fonts. But even after fourteen years, some insights into web typography are still pretty unknown for many people working with this medium: type designers, UI designers, and web developers. This talk… Continue reading Web Typesetting for a Digital World

Computing the Shapes: Parametric Fonts and a Hanzi AI

Designing typefaces for hanzi (Chinese characters) has long been a problem because of the script’s tremendous character set and the complicated construction of individual characters. Hence efforts to automate the designing of glyphs have been around for decades. This presentation is about why, what, and how to generate hanzi glyphs automatically. The old parametric genre… Continue reading Computing the Shapes: Parametric Fonts and a Hanzi AI

Rusty Tools and Chains

Everyone knows that the computer language of choice for font engineering is Python. But Python is slow, and fonts are getting more complex. Simon Cozens has been working on a new set of font libraries and command line tools in a language called Rust, and they’re faster. Much faster. In this session, Cozens will talk… Continue reading Rusty Tools and Chains

Enricovar: A Typeface for Mexican Mother Indigenous Languages

Enricovar is a typeface developing the character set Latin-MX from documental research seeking coverage for the more than sixty Mexican native mother indigenous languages, including those with highly complex tonal voices. The basic idea behind the Enricovar project is to pursue the preservation of cultural diversity. The project includes a GitHub repository, a mapping character… Continue reading Enricovar: A Typeface for Mexican Mother Indigenous Languages

The Bible + CODE Series

The Bible is a collection of sacred texts or scriptures. It is a product of divine inspiration and a record of the relationship between God and Humans for Christians, Jews, and Samaritans. It has tremendously influenced literature and history in the Western world. It is one of the most influential and best-selling books of all… Continue reading The Bible + CODE Series

E/moji Graphy—The Essence of Kanji, Visually 

emoji. You surely associate this term with bright ­yellow smileys. Yet, emoji means picture writing, or pictogram, with the Japanese word holding two words: e 絵 for a picture, and moji 文字 for a character, a letter, or a complete writing system. kanji. You might have heard that kanji—the Japanese term for Chinese characters—is ideographic;… Continue reading E/moji Graphy—The Essence of Kanji, Visually